3Bushketeers wholesale nursery is located near Brits, north of Hartbeespoort Dam, and grows a wide range of indigenous trees, shrubs and groundcovers as well as fruit trees. 3Bushketeers was established in 2006 by three partners, hence the play on words in the name.
Andries Botha, one of partners, is a passionate horticulturalist and took me on a tour of the nursery and the farm. He is extremely knowledgeable, not only about plants but also about the history of the area and if prompted will share stories about past warriors and wars from the surrounding region.
He explained that originally the nursery was established to provide unique indigenous trees “weird and wonderful, not just the same everyday stuff”, trees that were not easily available at the time. They also wanted to provide indigenous alternatives to the exotic plants that people were commonly using.
We still find that people are often unaware of the exciting indigenous options available to use and the benefits of planting indigenous plants. As you are probably aware, designing indigenous gardens is close to my heart, so if you are looking to upgrade your garden why not consider buying Sprout’s E-book which is a Guidebook for Homeowner’s to design their own indigenous gardens.
Andries in the Display Garden
Projects the Nursery is Involved In
3Bushketeers is involved in reforestation projects in KwaZulu Natal. The rehabilitation and reforestation relies on the education and involvement of local communities. Andries advocates that our environment is a natural resource that holds a lot of potential and value and if managed correctly can create economic opportunities, employment, food, tourism and other benefits. His involvement includes training and seed harvesting so that local indigenous plants can be conserved and used for the benefit of the community.
Several Growing Tunnels are used for growing nursery stock
Some Indigenous/Exotic alternatives:
Teclea gerrardii (Zulu Cherry-Orange) instead of Syzigium paniculatum (Brush Cherry)
Bolusanthus speciosus (Tree Wisteria) instead of Jacaranda mimosifolia (Jacaranda)
Cordia caffra (Septeeboom) instead of Betula alba (Silver Birch)
Cordyla africana (Wild Mango) instead of Caesalpinnia faurea (Leopard Tree) (check frost sensitivity before planting)
Thespesia acutiloba (Wild Tulip Tree) Instead of Hibiscus
Display Garden
3Bushketeers grow a wide range of indigenous trees and shrubs. On an open section of lawn next to the greenhouses they have planted several of these so that people can see established examples of mature specimens.
Some of the trees they grow and sell:
Afzelia quanzensis (Pod Mahogany) – Deciduous tree, frost sensitive. A tree with good shape can be obtained in about 7 years, with an attractive thick stem and spreading crown. Butterfly host tree.
Ataleya alata (Lebombo Kranz Ash) - small to medium-sized deciduous tree, with a sparsely branched crown
Acacia burkei (Black Monkey Thorn) - hardy, deciduous medium-sized tree with fissured bark and rounded crown. Beautiful shade tree, but can be slow growing. Attracts birds and insects.
Sideroxylon inerme (Milkplum) - small to medium evergreen tree more commonly found in coastal gardens, makes an excellent firebreak (SANBI)
Erythrina humeana (Dwarf Coral Tree) – shrub or small tree up to 3m high with long spikes of scarlet flowers.
Acokanthera oppositifolia (Bushman’s Poison) – woody shrub with dark green leaves growing up to 5m high. All parts of the plant are highly poisonous.
I love the image above that captures the simplicity and beauty of farm life.
So if you have any indigenous tree queries or if you are a landscaper looking to buy from a wholesale nursery Andries will be more than happy to help.
For further Information Contact:
Andries Botes 082 498 3321
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