A Vegetable Garden should be filled with plants that can be harvested for use in the kitchen and home. A wide range of foliage size, colours and textures add interest and variety to planting combinations. I especially love herbs and the beautiful landscapes you can create using them. Here are the top ten plants I recommend every Vegetable Garden should have:
Perennial Basil ‘White’ (Ocimum basilicum)
Large, highly aromatic leaves with spikes of white flowers from early spring to late autumn. Leaves can be used in cooking wherever a basil taste is required. Its cold hardy nature will ensure the availability of basil right through winter. Shrub. Height: 80cm Width: 80cm.
Perennial Basil - Medium sized shrub with beautiful flowers
2. Cleveland Sage (Salvia clevelandii)
A hardy, small woody shrub with velvety, textured oval green-grey leaves. Sage tolerates most climates however it does not like to be over watered. Requires really good drainage and a slightly alkaline soil. The foliage is used in pot pourii and in natural insecticides. Shrub. H:1.5m W:1m.
Cleveland Sage - large shrub with beautiful foliage
3. Mint (Mentha spicata spp.)
Most well known of the mints with tasty, highly aromatic mint flavored leaves. The mint is extensively used for salads, sauces and teas. Used medicinally. Useful natural insecticide. Perennial. H:40cm W:spread.
Mint - several varieties to choose from including Chocolate Mint, Ginger Mint and Liquorice Mint
4. Dutch Lavender (Lavandula dentata)
An herbaceous shrub with deeply serrated, highly aromatic green leaves. Large blue flowers are borne on long stems from spring through to autumn. Has medicinal properties. Dried leaves and flowers can be used in pot pourii. Shrub. H:80cm W:60cm
Lavender - grey or green foliage varieties, beautiful aroma and foliage
5. Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Mauve flowers in summer with small mid green fragrant leaves. Used in stews, soups, salads and sauces. Medicinally has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Ground cover. H:30cm W:30cm.
Lemon Thyme - Thymus x citriodorus
Thyme - ‘Silver Posie’ variety on left and common green thyme on right
6. Fennel Bronze (Foeniculum vulgare ‘Rubrum’ purpureum)
Very striking, bronze, fine feathery leaves. Umbells of small yellow flowers in summer followed by aromatic edible seeds. Used in pork and fish dishes and a great addition to salads. Medicinal uses. Perennial. H:1m W:0.6m.
Bronze Fennel - adding beautiful and unusual foliage colour and texture
7. Blue Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘McConnel’s Blue”)
Small aromatic shrub with small spiky dark green leaves and blue flowers. Hardy, prefers chalky well drained soil. The leaves are used in Mediterranean cuisine. Companion plant with Sage. Medicinal. Shrub. H:80cm W:80cm.
Rosemary - not always easy to grow, but a brilliant shrub and culinary herb
8. Golden Upright Oregano (Oreganum spp.)
Striking golden foliage that add interest and colour to the herb garden. Ideal for container gardening or as a contrast plant. Strong Oregano flavor. Ground cover. H:30cm W:30cm
Golden Oregano - contrasting colour to add interest
9. Spearmint (Mentha spicata aquatica)
Hardy, deep green, highly aromatic, serrated oval spearmint flavored leaves. Greatly prized for jellies and sauces. Used in confectionary, cosmetics, natural insecticides and medicines. Ground cover. HL25cm W:spread
Spearmint - small bushy shrub with a brilliant green colour
10. Lemon Scented Geranium (Pelargonium citronella)
The deeply indented green leaves are pungently aromatic when crushed, releasing lemon scented plant oils that deter even the most determined mosquito. Shrub. H:60cm W:50cm.
Pelargonium citronella - good for repelling insects, especially mosquitoes!
Plant Descriptions taken from Doonholm Specialist Wholesale Nursery Website (https://doonholm.com/)